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There are four approaches:

  • a toolbar searching
  • a custom searching
  • a single field searching
  • a more complex approach involving many fields and conditions - advanced searching


1 search : {2      caption: "Search...",3      Find: "Find",4      Reset: "Reset",5      odata : ['equal', 'not equal', 'less', 'less or equal','greater','greater or equal', 'begins with','does not begin with','is in','is not in','ends with','does not end with','contains','does not contain'],6      groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any" } ],7      matchText: " match",8      rulesText: " rules"9    },

 1、Toolbar Search 就是类似在工具栏根据列设定过滤条件来搜索,触发搜索动作可以自己设置对应的参数。

1 //搜索 2 $("#gridDemo").jqGrid("filterToolbar", { 3                 autoSearch: true, 4                 beforeSearch: function () { 5                     alert("开始搜索之前"); 6                 }, 7                 afterSearch: function () { 8                     alert("搜索之后"); 9                 },10                 searchOnEnter: true  //回车触发搜索11 });


Option Type Description Default
search boolean Determines if the field can be searched. true
stype string Determines the search type of the field. Can be text - also a input element with type text is created and select - a select element is created text
searchoptions object Object which contain definition, events and other properties for the searched field. See below  
searchrules object Object which contain additional conditions for validating user input  



Property Type Description
dataUrl string This option is valid only for the elements of type select - i.e stype:'select'. The option represent the url from where we load the select element. When this option is set the element will be filled with values from the ajax request. The data should be a valid html select element with the desired options. By example the request should contain <select><option value=“1”>One</option> <option value=“2”>Two</option></select>. This is called only once.
buildSelect function This option have sense only if the dataUrl parameter is set. In case where the server response can not build the select element you can use your on function to build the select. The function should return a string containing the select and options value(s) as described in dataUrl option. Parameter passed to this function is the server response
dataInit function If set this function is called only once when the element is created. To this function we pass the element object.
dataInit: function(elem) {
do something 
Also use this function to attach datepicker, time picker and etc. Example: 
dataInit : function (elem) {
dataEvents array List of events to apply to the data element; uses $(”#id”).bind(type, [data], fn) to bind events to data element. Should be described like this: 
dataEvents: [ 
{ type: 'click', data: { i: 7 }, fn: function(e) { console.log(e.data.i); }},
{ type: 'keypress', fn: function(e) { console.log('keypress'); } } 
attr object attr is object where we can set valid attributes to the created element. By example: 
attr : { title: “Some title” } 
Will set a title of the searched element
searchhidden boolean By default hidden elements in the grid are not searchable . In order to enable searching when the field is hidden set this option to true
sopt array This option is used only in advanced , single and toolbar field searching and determines the operation that is applied to the element. If not set all the available options will be used. When used in toolbar searching the first element is used. All available option are: 
The corresponding texts are in language file and mean the following: 
['equal','not equal', 'less', 'less or equal','greater','greater or equal', 'begins with','does not begin with','is in','is not in','ends with','does not end with','contains','does not contain'] 
Note that the elements in sopt array can be mixed in any order.
defaultValue string If not empty set a default value in the search input element.
value mixed The option is used only for stype select and defines the select options in the search dialogs. When set for stype select and dataUrl option is not set, the value can be a string or object. 
If the option is a string it must contain a set of value:label pairs with the value separated from the label with a colon (:) and ended with(;). The string should not end with a (;)- editoptions:{value:“1:One;2:Two”}.If set as object it should be defined as pair value:name - editoptions:{value:{1:'One',2:'Two'}}


Option Type Description
required boolean (true or false) if set to true, the value will be checked and if empty, an error message will be displayed.
number boolean (true or false) if set to true, the value will be checked and if this is not a number, an error message will be displayed.
integer boolean (true or false) if set to true, the value will be checked and if this is not a integer, an error message will be displayed.
minValue number(integer) if set, the value will be checked and if the value is less than this, an error message will be displayed.
maxValue number(integer) if set, the value will be checked and if the value is more than this, an error message will be displayed.
email boolean if set to true, the value will be checked and if this is not valid e-mail, an error message will be displayed
url boolean if set to true, the value will be checked and if this is not valid url, an error message will be displayed
date boolean if set to true a value from datefmt option is get (if not set ISO date is used) and the value will be checked and if this is not valid date, an error message will be displayed
time boolean if set to true, the value will be checked and if this is not valid time, an error message will be displayed. Currently we support only hh:mm format and optional am/pm at the end
custom boolean if set to true allow definition of the custom checking rules via a custom function. See below
custom_func function this function should be used when a custom option is set to true. Parameters passed to this function are the value, which should be checked and the name - the property from colModel. The function should return array with the following parameters: first parameter - true or false. The value of true mean that the checking is successful false otherwise; the second parameter have sense only if the first value is false and represent the error message which will be displayed to the user. Typically this can look like this [false,”Please enter valid value”]


1 { name: 'StuName', index: 'StuName', width: '100', search: true, stype: 'text', searchoptions: { dataInit: hello, attr: { title: '查询姓名提示文字' } }, searchrules: {required:true} },

2、高级搜索(多条件搜索或单列搜索) Advacing Search、Single Search


1 $("#gridDemo").jqGrid("navGrid", "#pager",2     { add: true, del: true, edit: true, view: true },3     {},4     {},5     {},6     { multipleSearch: true, multipleGroup: true }7 )



filters =    {    "groupOp":"OR",    "rules":[{"field":"a.id","op":"eq","data":"1"}],    "groups":[         {             "groupOp":"AND",             "rules":[{"field":"a.id","op":"eq","data":"2"}],             "groups":[...]         }     ]}







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